
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Southside Drama

So I have an errand on the southside of town yesterday. Lately I have a less than diligent attitude about work, so I decided to keep on driving out to the home of Willie - keeper of the RV.

When I get there, Willie is under his taxi (he drives a taxi) with a wrench or something and small sledge hammer. They didnt look like mechanic tools to me...I squat by the taxi and say,

"Willay, what's the word?" He begins to tell me what is wrong with the taxi, though I didnt catch a single word.

Liquid that has been dripping very near his face now begins a miniture deluge, and his face doesnt move. Wow, that's discipline.

I go back to the car for a smoke, because he aint gettin up. A friend that rode with me, a new friend (perhaps a post about that later), is checking out the RV, and extends approval. Willie gets out from under the taxi and says,

"You gon' get this thing outta here?"
"Did you put on the part?"

Mrs. Willie steps out of the door. Fire Hot.

"You coming to get this thing?" Very terse expression. "The city has been on us, this thing has been here almost a year, and I think..." Add explicatives, etc.

Remember that there is someone with me that I have known all of four days.

"Yes m'am. As soon as it runs, I will drive it away."
"Well it's supposed to run."
"As soon as Willie calls me, I will be here that min-"
"Why he need to call you again?! He's been calling and calling and you dont ever answer. You need to take this thing away from here."

Now, truth be told, Willie has called me all of 3 times during these 8 months, and 2 of those were returning my call. In fact, at this point in the story, only those two calls had been made.

"If it stays any longer, you'll be paying money directly to me."
"Yes m'am, I agree that some compensation is in order. As soon as it runs and he calls me, it will be out of here that minute."
"Woman, shut up!"

The thought that perhaps she doesnt have the whole or correct story dawns on her. And she turns to Willie, and her volume and tone increase in fury.

"You aint put that part on yet! You been telling me one thing and telling her another."
"Get the Fuck back in the house, stop botherin me. No I AINT put it on yet, I had other things to do." Now dont imagine it went down this black and white. Neither of them probably heard a word the other was saying. Simultaneous opposing cuss words were flying across the yard. I wasnt quite sure where this was headed, but I was sure I didnt want to find out. I said,

"All right, Willie." And we cut out.

Talked to Willie this morning, he called (#3).
"Sorry my wife was acting a damn fool..."

The Green Masheen should be ready for pick-up Sunday. We'll see


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